
Denver Colorado & Iowa Portrait Photography | Colton’s High School Senior Session

Colton is one of my 2013 seniors, who came in earlier this summer for his senior session. During our pre-session consultation, I learned that he loves being outside and working on his farm with his show cattle so we decided to start the session with just a few images inside, then head out to his farm for the remaining part of the session. I always tell my seniors to feel free to bring items that show their personality, prized possessions, things that they love. So when Colton came to the studio, he brought a huge hide from one of his past show cows that he wanted to use in a few of his images so we used it as a custom backdrop! I’m always looking for unique things that no one else will have in their senior photos and this worked out perfect! After grabbing some shots in the studio and around town, we headed out to the country to capture some images on Colton’s farm. I could really tell as soon as we hit the farm, that this was where Colton is most comfortable and where we captured some of my favorite images. Here’s a few of my favorites from his session. Feel free to check out my Facebook Page for more!

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