After the tragedy in Newtown on December 14th, a photographer was inspired by the story of one of the little girls who passed away. This little girl and her family had had professional portraits taken shortly before this tragedy. These portraits are now keepsakes that family will treasure forever. It occurred to the photographer that not all families either take the time or have the financial resources to hire a professional photographer to capture images like these of their own family. So she decided to use her talents and give back to her community by offering a free 30 minute family session to a family that would otherwise not have professional portraits made. She has encouraged other photographers to do the same and The Olivia Act was born!
Kristina Lynn Photography & Design has decided to join in this movement and accepting nominations for families that you think would appreciate this gift, a family that might not otherwise be able to afford professional photographs right now. We hope to give away two one hour family sessions, one in Iowa and one in Denver, Colorado. The Iowa session will take place on Kristina’s next trip to Clarion, January 23-February 7th, and the Denver session will take place sometime after the New Year. This session will be completely FREE to the families chosen and will include a collection of digital portraits, so they may have priceless keepsakes to adorn their home.
1. Nominate a family in need. I will be taking nominations through January 5th. Please email your nominations to me with the subject “The Olivia Act”. Please include the family’s name, contact info, and why you are nominating them. Their session will remain anonymous and will not be posted on our blog or Facebook page as anything other than a regular family session.
2. Please SHARE this post on Twitter or Facebook so your friends and family will know too! Help spread the word – I can’t wait to give this gift to a deserving family!
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this very important blog post and helping get the word out!
Have a very Happy New Year!