All of my First Year kids are growing up and turning 1! It’s a little sad that I won’t be seeing little Logan every three months this next year. I loved watching him grow and really develop a fun personality. For his one year session we wanted to do something a little different and do the whole session outside since up to this point all of his sessions have been done in the studio. It worked out perfect because I was going to be back in the Cedar Rapids/Iowa City area for a wedding so I stayed the night and met Logan and his family in Iowa City the next morning. We hit up the campus area where I knew there was some fun architecture, places for Logan to sit since he’s big into walking these days, and also some bright summer flowers for a little color. I love this area because there’s so many different places to photograph in a very small area so you don’t have to wander all over. This, I think, was my favorite session with Logan because he was all smiles and giggles! Thank you Kaley and Mike for letting me capture this little guy through images this past year!
Denver Colorado & Iowa Portrait Photography | Logan’s 1 Year Session in Iowa City
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