Lindsay from Patterns & Pops shares some of the hottest fall fashion trends for 2015
It’s finally fall – yay!! We love summer but, sometimes there’s nothing better than crisp air and a cozy sweater…. and maybe a Pumpkin Spice Latte or 2 (or 3!). It’s time to start transitioning our wardrobes and so we’ve put together a little run down for you with some of the fall trends for 2015!
#1) Grid
The grid print made a statement last year and is still going strong. This larger linear pattern is one that is simple and fun. For those of you that are new to the pattern game, it’s a great place to start. The thin lines and larger squares aren’t overwhelming but still add interest to a piece. This particular poncho is the perfect outerwear as we head into colder temperatures.
#2) Chunky and Light Knits
Sweaters will never go out of style and at Patterns & Pops, we LOVE a good sweater… the cozier the better. From neutrals with small details to bright pops of color and chunkier fits, there is a sweater out there for everyone.
#3) Felt Hats
The perfect accessory is what truly completes an outfit and we are obsessed with these felt hats. With multiple fit options we can please the floppy fans to the more structured. The best part about these hats is that they don’t sit too snugly so your hair will still look fab even after you’ve taken it off!
#4) Floral
Don’t be afraid to transition your bright and colorful florals into the fall and winter. It is a common misconception that the colder months mean only dark colors – no way! Keep those pinks and purples and bright summer hues around all year long. Take the pieces you paired with shorts and sandals and layer them with boots, jeans and cardigans. Throw on a pair of tights under your favorite romper or dress and voila – you’re fall ready!!
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